15 May 2023
Plumbing technology and designs have come a long way in recent years, with new innovations and trends emerging all the time. From improved water efficiency to smart home integration, there are several exciting trends and innovations in residential plumbing that homeowners should be aware of. Here are four of the latest trends and innovations in residential plumbing technology and design. Water Efficiency Water efficiency has become an increasingly important consideration in plumbing design, with many homeowners looking for ways to reduce their water consumption and lower their water bills.
21 April 2023
When it comes to home cooling, two popular options are central air systems and window units. Central air conditioning is generally the better choice, but a homeowner might not realize the advantages a central AC system may provide. Benefit: Superior Energy Efficiency Central air systems are far more energy-efficient than window units because they use one large compressor unit that cools the entire home rather than multiple smaller individual devices for each room.
30 March 2023
Summertime can be a brutal experience without proper air conditioning, especially if you live in one of the states that regularly hits triple digits on the thermometer. It's essential to keep your air conditioning system in good shape throughout the year, but unfortunately, many people tend to neglect regular maintenance and timely repairs. Delaying AC repair services can lead to serious consequences, and it's crucial to be aware of the hidden costs that can come along with it.
10 March 2023
Your furnace may not be running properly for a handful of different reasons, although hiring a professional repair company to help you make the necessary repairs is the best thing you can do, there may also be things you can do to make the repair yourself. Your furnace requires maintenance in order for it to continue to run properly, so if you aren't maintaining your system, this may have been the reason for the breakdown in the first place.
17 February 2023
The furnace blower is the heart of your furnace, as this is what pushes that warm air through your house. There are a few reasons a blower can fail. Identifying the cause is necessary in order to know the proper furnace repair. 1. Bad Limit Switch A limit switch is what controls the operation of the blower. When the temperature in the house drops sufficiently below the preset level, the limit switch flips the blower on.
12 January 2023
Does the phrase "save money on heat" make you shiver every time you hear it? You might have grown up in a home where the temperature was kept low in order to keep heating bills low. Indeed, this is one way to save on heating costs. But what if you don't want to spend all winter with goosebumps? Here are some ways to lower your heating bills without being cold.
12 January 2023
If your furnace is older, you may question whether it is worth having it repaired when it breaks down. You might consider just having it removed from your home and replaced with a new furnace instead. Is this the best approach? It really depends. Asking your furnace repair technician — and yourself — the following questions will help you decide. What is the cost of the repair? Some repairs cost far more than others.