12 October 2018
In your school cafeteria, there will occasionally be problems that have to be tended to by a professional. For example, your refrigeration and freezer systems could break down. If this happens, taking care of the problem promptly is very important. Refrigeration repair is not something to put off in a school cafeteria setting for these reasons. Fortunately, commercial refrigeration repair companies can help with refrigeration issues in your school cafeteria.
13 August 2018
Air conditioning is one of the highest consumers of energy in a standard home. This means that efficiency is important if you want to keep your energy costs as low as possible. One of the factors that cause inefficient air conditioning is cooling more space than you need to. The answer to this is zoned air conditioning. Zoned air conditioning is a way of cooling only specific rooms or areas. This helps to avoid cooling rooms that aren't occupied, as this wastes a lot of energy.
13 August 2018
If you or one of your household members has an allergy problem, then you should be very careful with how you maintain your air conditioner (AC). This is because an AC system can either reduce or increase your risk of allergy depending on how well you take care of it. How It Can Reduce the Risk Filtering Out Contaminants A properly maintained air conditioner will have fully functional air filters. These are air filters that aren't dirty, aren't damaged, are properly placed, and are not clogged with dirt.
11 July 2018
Keeping a clean house is something that many homeowners take seriously. Few things can make your home appear dirty faster than dust that has settled on the surface of your furnishings. Some dust finds its way into your home through open doors or windows, but your furnace system could be contributing more dust to your environment that you realize. Learn more about the relationship between the health of your heating system and indoor dust.
4 June 2018
HVAC services don't have to cost an arm and a leg. That is, if you do a few basic DIY jobs every year, you can make sure that you aren't always paying HVAC professionals to repair your system. Obviously, this doesn't mean that you won't need to occasionally rely on professional repairs, like those at Custom Heating & Air Conditioning LLC, to fix serious problems. But if you do your best to invest your time in some frequent DIY maintenance, it will show when it comes to the efficiency of your system.
20 April 2018
Are your students and faculty frequently coming down with respiratory illnesses? While schools are notorious for being full of germs, there's another possible cause. When a large number of people using a commercial building experience respiratory illnesses, they may all be suffering from a building-related illness caused by problems in your HVAC system. There are multiple potential causes: mold in your ducts, airborne volatile organic compounds or contaminants and insufficient airflow from the outside are a few.
13 March 2018
Most new-build commercial buildings have windows that do not open at all; these are meant to help regulate the temperature inside the buildings. By not having open windows, you don't risk "air-conditioning the outdoors," as your parents might have said. But if you're in an older building that does have windows that open, you need to set up a building-wide policy about when those windows can be open. It can't be too strict, of course, as everyone's comfort level varies.