Keeping Your Home Cool during the Sweltering, Summer Months

  • How to Repair Your Condenser Hose

    4 June 2018

    HVAC services don't have to cost an arm and a leg. That is, if you do a few basic DIY jobs every year, you can make sure that you aren't always paying HVAC professionals to repair your system. Obviously, this doesn't mean that you won't need to occasionally rely on professional repairs, like those at Custom Heating &  Air Conditioning LLC, to fix serious problems. But if you do your best to invest your time in some frequent DIY maintenance, it will show when it comes to the efficiency of your system.

  • Are Students And Faculty At Your School Frequently Getting Sick? It May Be A Building-Related Illness

    20 April 2018

    Are your students and faculty frequently coming down with respiratory illnesses? While schools are notorious for being full of germs, there's another possible cause. When a large number of people using a commercial building experience respiratory illnesses, they may all be suffering from a building-related illness caused by problems in your HVAC system. There are multiple potential causes: mold in your ducts, airborne volatile organic compounds or contaminants and insufficient airflow from the outside are a few.

  • Forget An Open-Door Policy -- Your Office Needs An Open-Window Policy

    13 March 2018

    Most new-build commercial buildings have windows that do not open at all; these are meant to help regulate the temperature inside the buildings. By not having open windows, you don't risk "air-conditioning the outdoors," as your parents might have said. But if you're in an older building that does have windows that open, you need to set up a building-wide policy about when those windows can be open. It can't be too strict, of course, as everyone's comfort level varies.

  • You Need To Clean Your Furnace

    25 January 2018

    Most homeowners invest in HVAC maintenance only when they are forced to. That is, they just leave their system alone until something happens that actually affects the functionality or efficiency of their heating and cooling. However, there are some easy DIY jobs that homeowners can do during their free time without spending any money at all. This article explains two jobs that you could even do right now. These simple projects can ultimately increase the efficiency of both your heating and cooling operations.

  • Duct Work And Your Residential AC System: What You Need To Know

    8 December 2017

    If you have a residential AC system or HVAC, you have a system of ducts and vents installed behind your walls. However, while most homeowners know they are there, they don't fully comprehend why they are there, what they do and the importance of having them inspected and cleaned. Here is everything that you should know about duct work and your residential AC system.  What Your Ducts Do After your air conditioning unit or HVAC heats or cools air, the fans in the unit blow the air into the ducts.

  • Uneven Heat In Your House? 3 Things You Can Do

    30 October 2017

    Do you feel like the rooms in your house are a different temperature when the furnace is turned on? Uneven heating can definitely make a home not feel very comfortable. Know that there are some things you could do to improve how it feels throughout your home. Replace Bad Ductwork Does your home have an addition that always feels colder than the rest of the home? It could be due to the way the ductwork was extended to the new addition.

  • Benefits Of Upgrading Your Heating System

    30 September 2017

    Upgrading your home's heating system can be an excellent way of investing money into your home. Sadly, there are many homeowners that will not be fully aware of the various ways that replacing their heating systems can benefit their properties. Improve The Safety Of The System It is an unfortunate reality that individuals that have old heating systems may be at a much higher risk of experiencing a number of potentially hazardous problems.