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Protecting An HVAC System During A Renovation Project

by Anthony Graves

A renovation project can have a major impact on your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Most of the effects are likely to be due to the impact of dust and debris on the system. Below are some of the measures you can take to limit the effect of dust on an HVAC system during a renovation and reduce the need for air conditioning repairs

Shut off the HVAC

Ideally, you should turn off the HVAC system during the renovation, especially during stages of the process that kick up a lot of dust. If you let the HVAC run, it will circulate dust throughout the house as it circulates the air. This is why you should schedule the renovation project during moderate weather when you can afford to switch off the HVAC for some time.

Close the Vents

If you can't afford to switch off the HVAC, say when the temperatures are too high or low, then you can make do with closing some of the vents. Don't close off all the vents, since that would strain the HVAC and even possibly cause damage. You can work on the renovation one room at a time so that you can close some vents even as you leave the others on to regulate the temperature.

Isolate the Work Areas

Another trick is to isolate the work area from the rest of the house. For example, if you are working on one wall, you can use tarps or plastic sheets to cover off that section of the house from the rest of the house. That way you will trap any dust your work might produce, and the dirt won't circulate in the house.

Change the Filters

Some of the dust the renovation will produce will end up on the HVAC filters. If the filters were already dirty, to begin with, they may become too clogged and restrict airflow, which affects HVAC operations. Thus, it's advisable to begin the renovation project with clean filters, particularly if you haven't changed the filters in a while and they are due for a replacement anyway.

Dust the House Regularly

Don't wait until the renovation is done to clean the house. Instead, dust the house regularly during the renovation project. This will reduce the volume of debris in the house. The less debris there is, the less of it will end up in the HVAC.

Hopefully, the above measures will help you protect your HVAC system during the renovation. As an extra measure, consult an HVAC contractor when the renovation is complete. The contractor will inspect the HVAC and advise you about any damages they may find or necessary improvements.
